Dorothee Diebold
In a time of volatilization of attitudes, the wandering of thought-paths, the shifting of levels of order, the intermingling of spheres of influence. the arrhythmia in the metric, the mere flare of enlightenment, the work of Dorothee Diebold essentially as a coexistence of this current events and acts on the viewer like an interjection in intermediate tones. A flicker of twilight, an attenuation of sensual sensation, and lets the perceiver find himself existentially as if in limbo between his previous levels of observation.
This year, Dorothee Diebold participated in the exhibition ""Monelight Sonata"" at the Kunsthal 44Moen curated by René Block. Furthermore, she has exhibited her work in the past in the Elektrohaus in Hamburg, in the Frankfurter Kunstverein, in the Nassausische Kunstverein Wiesbaden and in the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn.
This year, Dorothee Diebold participated in the exhibition ""Monelight Sonata"" at the Kunsthal 44Moen curated by René Block. Furthermore, she has exhibited her work in the past in the Elektrohaus in Hamburg, in the Frankfurter Kunstverein, in the Nassausische Kunstverein Wiesbaden and in the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn.